Every once in a while you’ll have days when you don’t feel your best, whether that be due to stress from work, lack of sleep or simply waking up without motivation. While it’s easy to succumb to the feeling that things are beyond your control, the better option is to decide on actionable steps and take control of your life.
This resource guide is just one example of the great content you can find on the Spiffy Socks website.
Monitor Your Phone Use
Smartphones are great devices that help us manage all important aspects of life, whether that be connecting with loved ones, shopping, staying on top of deadlines, and anything else we can think of. But, they are also one of the leading causes of stress and anxiety. According to a study, individuals with excessive smartphone use experience high cortisol levels post 30 minutes of waking up. The result? Feeling stressed as soon as you wake up.
Additionally, if you’re wondering why you’ve been having trouble falling asleep lately, you can blame it on the blue light emitted from your smartphone screen. Blue light is known to disturb our body’s circadian rhythm and exposure to it before bedtime, delays your sleep response, diminishing the body’s ability to get the proper rest needed.
To curb your smartphone use, follow these steps:
1. Avoid checking your phone immediately after waking up. Rather, adopt a morning routine that involves having a bath and eating a nutritious breakfast.
2. Do not use any electronic devices 1 hour before sleeping, allowing you to sleep on time, and wake up energized.
Overcome Workplace Stress
According to research, 94% of workers in America report experiencing workplace stress, caused due to poor management, unruly co-workers, stagnation of growth, and a host of other reasons.
The best solution to overcome workplace stress is to join organizations that focus on values such as employee development and ethical business practices. While switching jobs is never easy, you can increase your chances of landing a job in your dream company by adding to your educational credentials. For instance, pursuing an online master’s degree in criminal justice will provide you with the expertise to work in public administration in your city.
Additionally, with the degree being online, you can continue to earn, have time to research positions, network with current employees, and learn the required skills needed to make a successful career change.
Make Time for Friends and Family
Social support is key to developing a positive mindset and finding the motivation to tackle challenges. When it comes to social support, the important aspect is quality and not quantity. What this means is that it doesn’t matter if you have 1 close friend or 5, the important part is their ability to make a positive impact on your wellbeing.
But creating strong social bonds requires some level of effort from your end, which includes:
Reaching Out: Make the effort to call a friend or family member you trust and to have a conversation regarding what you’re going through. Having people you can rely on in times of need is a boon for your mental health.
Making Connections Stronger: Instead of always connecting on call, make plans to meet in person. Choose a mutually agreed-upon activity such as lunch, a movie, etc. to make the time enjoyable for everyone involved.
While there will still be times when life throws you a curveball, by implementing these three steps, you will develop greater control over your actions and have the ability to be your best every day.